Premier Shockwave Clinic's SoftWave Technology is an Affordable Alternative to Surgery, Injections, or Medication

$49 January New Patient Special

Discover the transformative potential of SoftWave Therapy at Premier Shockwave Clinic.

The $49 January New Patient Special encompasses an evaluation, a consultation, and an initial Spark Wave/SoftWave therapy session. This offer allows new patients to experience the benefits of SoftWave therapy and determine if they wish to pursue further treatments.

Begin your journey to recovery with this Non-Invasive SoftWave Therapy at Premier Shockwave Clinic.

Book your first appointment or reach out for more information.

SoftWave Technology

Producing highly effective shock waves that initiate biological regeneration processes at the cellular level.

Advanced technology that heals  

SoftWaves are created by means of a high-energy electrical discharge in water. The voltage is discharged between the opposing tips (plus and minus pole) of an electrode. The arcing or spark gap causes an equalization of voltage between the two tips of the electrode whereby a hot plasma bubble is created. This bubble explodes in all directions, compresses the surrounding water, and generates a pressure > 10 MPa within only a few nanoseconds (10-9 ns).  

SoftWave low intensity, unfocused energy is delivered via our patented parabolic reflector applicator in the form of parallel waves. SoftWave technology offers the ONLY UNFOCUSED SHOCK WAVE on the market. Despite this electrohydraulic shock wave energy in water traveling 5 times faster (3355mph) than in air (767 mph), it does not cause microtrauma. 

Call to request more information or learn if you’re a candidate for treatment.


SoftWave Therapy Technology Treatment

Our SoftWave technology can treat an array of physical injuries and conditions.




Plantar Fasciitis





How Does SoftWave Therapy Work?

Our SoftWave therapy works by using unfocused shockwaves to stimulate the body's healing processes, promoting pain relief and regeneration. The medical benefits of SoftWave "The Spark of Life" include:

  • Increases blood supply
  • Reduces acute and chronic pain
  • Temporarily increases circulation
  • Activates connective tissue
  • Promotes regeneration and healing
  • Modulate inflammation
  • Activates and recruits resident cells
  • Stimulates cytokines and growth
  • Promotes angiogenesis
  • Repairs and regenerates tissues
  • Improves mitochondrial function
  • Increase neo-vascularization
  • Improved ventricle ejection fraction
  • Recruits innate immune receptor TLR3
  • Improves sexual health
  • Improves exosome circulation
  • Wound epithelialization

Is SoftWave / Spark Wave Therapy Effective?

Key Benefits of SoftWave/Spark Wave Therapy  

  • High Satisfaction Rates: Achieves a 90% patient satisfaction rate and a 94% quality satisfaction rate.
  • Effective Pain Relief: Shows 65-91% improvement in musculoskeletal and general pain complaints.
  • Health Benefits: Increases blood supply, boosts collagen production, breaks up calcification, and more.
  • Non-Invasive and Drug-Free: SoftWave/Spark Wave therapy is a non-invasive, drug-free treatment option.
  • Health Canada Approved: This therapy is approved by Health Canada, ensuring its safety and efficacy.

Trusted By Experts Around The Country

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$49 January New Patient Special

Try Premier Shockwave Clinic's Spark Wave/SoftWave Therapy for $49 

Try our Spark Wave/SoftWave Therapy